My last post was in June. Too Long. Since that post I lived in Provo for a week, West Ridge a few days, & Cedar City for a week & then made my way back up to Murray where I now live with my best friend in our apartment. It feels like the whole year has been crammed into those few months of June til now. Along with the change of seasons I feel that I have gone through my own changes as well.
At the beginning of July I was picked up by a friend because I needed a place to stay. It had started pouring rain & she couldn't drive out here herself so she told me she was going to bring a friend. I didn't even care. I just wanted to hurry up & be gone. I knew I had made a big mistake & that it was time to get out before things got to much worse & my life would be jeopardized. She showed up & I started crying & this boy came in to help me with my bags & i really didn't notice him except for he was so nice, & helpful. We get in the car & leave for Provo. It was like the minute we left, him and I clicked. Everything we said we couldn't stop laughing at each other & we didn't have to explain things because it was like we already understood what the other one was saying. We went to Texas Road House & had a blast. I felt like I had known Robin forever. He instantly brought out the best in me. You have to realize though, that this was HUGE for me to feel this way about him. I had no feelings for him beyond a friend. Yes he is Polynesian, but he just wasn't my type. He was too genuine, which to me at the time just seemed unreal. I was done with the whole toot it & boot it. I saw the road it had taken me on & the damage it had done to the ones close to me, so I was just exhausted with the whole guy thing.
When we got back to my friends house she had to go & talk to her parents so me & Robin just sat there & talked. I couldn't stop laughing because I just thought he was the funniest person ever. We exchanged stories about our lives. He told me about his grandma who lived with him & she would always swear at him & his siblings in Tongan. Or how she would tell come into his room to have him warm up milk for her. I loved hearing about his family. It amazed me how much love you could feel from him when he would talk about them. I opened up allot to him & completely spilled the beans on my life, and he just sat there and listened. Which was all I needed, someone to listen.
Whenever we hung out in that week it just always made my day. I didn't know why, but it did. And because I was happy I really didn't question it. We did a lot of crazy things in that week that I spent with them. We spent the night on a lawn, some random guys house where I lost my pillow pet :( that was sad. We went 7/11 hopping because it was 7/11 so we got free slurpies & we started that at like 2 in the morning. We got all of our change and made a Del Taco run for a butt load of Tacos. We tried having a seance in the middle of the cul-de-sac, but that didn't well because we got distracted by kids on Vespas. We spent the night at a DJ's house & got eaten alive by mosquito's, or the time we went to McDonalds and we all looked so homeless & I didn't wear my shoes to prove a point that they would still give me service. They did.
I remember when I had to go back to West Ridge, I just kept thinking about what he was doing , & if he was thinking about me. I just couldn't get it out of my head how much fun we had together & how instantly we clicked. When I went down to Cedar City to the Shelter, I would call him every morning at 8, and wake him up so he would talk to me. We could talk forever. I missed him a lot.
I used to think that people were lying when they said that people really can change your life. And I really know its true now. Without Jazz & Robin I do not know where I would be. They balance me out in ways that really can get under my skin, but they do it because they care. I am so happy with what I have going for me in life. I have the two most amazing best friends, one who I am dating, and the other I love like a sister. I know that they will always be there for me, & that I can always count on them. I am truly blessed.
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