its crazy to think that i have been in west ridge for like 31 months... almost two and a half years. I remember when i got sent away the first time when i was 11 i was like you have got to be kidding me... and then I got pulled at 18 months. 8 months later I was sent to WRA and i was thinking to myself that i am done. Life can't get any worse. But its crazy to know that no matter what you say or do it will still go on. Last week i was talking to a good friend and we were talking about how he knew me when i was 14 and now i am going on 17. It made me think about those past two years. Honestly i don't really regret it because if i did i wouldn't be where i am now which is an awesome spot. I am living with a family that i love so much but its hard to say it out loud. I honestly get scared sometimes that it will be a replica of my family(not saying i don't have a good family) and that if i do something it will be like ' leave' but deep down i know it won't be like that. Its weird to think that i am where i was when i was two years old. Trying to find someone or someplace that will take me in and be my family. I guess in a way i am very blessed because i have that. No matter what i will always have someone to go to.
Something that i have come to terms with is that life is life. You only get it once. But people always say live it right... but the way i see i am gunna live it the way that when its judgement day me and the God can sit back and preview my life and cry and life becuase thats what its about. Yes i have made some pretty big mistakes but thats just it, its a mistake that i changed and learned from to make me better. Today when i was coming home i was with my foster dad and we had the windows rolled down and we were talking and laughing and i just kept thinking... this is life and i love it! i have waited a long time to have those moments and when i get them which is alot more now.. i cherish them. I feel guilty if i don't put this.. but i definetly wouldn't be here typing this if it weren't for God and his gospel and Him helping me find 'life' again!